Animal Claws And Teeth
Here at That Little Museum we are the proud owners of a large collection of animal parts including claws, teeth, fangs and more.
All of our specimens are listed below.
African Lion Claw
Specimen: African Lion Claw
Scientific Name: - Panthera leo
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated to That Little Museum
Year Received: January 2024
Info: An absolutely stunning African Lion's claw and as you can see it has had some wear to it so defiantly been hunting with that.

Brown Bear Claw
Specimen: Brown Bear Claw
Scientific Name: - Ursus arctos
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated to That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: This Brown Bear claw is absolutely massive compared to our Lion's claw.

Polar Bear's Claw With Fur Attached

Specimen: Polar Bear Claw
Scientific Name: - Ursus maritimus
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated to That Little Museum
Year Received: January 2024
Info: This Polar Bear's claw with some fur attached was given to us by a taxidermist who had one going spare. This is a very special specimen because it has the fur still attached, normally it's just the claw.

Nile Crocodile Teeth
Specimen: Nile Crocodile Teeth
Scientific Name: - Crocodylus niloticus
Species: Reptile
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated to That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: We was lucky enough to be donated these two Nile crocodile teeth from a private owner. Crocodiles shed their teeth thought their lifetime so these where found in the animals pool.

American Alligator Teeth
Specimen: American Alligator Teeth
Scientific Name: - Alligator mississippiensis
Species: Reptile
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated to That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: We was lucky enough to be donated these two American Alligator's teeth from a private owner. Just like crocodiles, alligator's shed their teeth thought their lifetime so these where found in the animals pool.

Chinese Water Deer's Fang

Specimen: Chinese Water Deer's Fang
Scientific Name: - Hydropotes inermis
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Purchase from second hand jewellery sale
Year Received: September 2023
Info: This is a Chinese Water Deer's fang. As you can see they can reach some serious length. This was purchased as a pendant and is set in 9ct gold bail.

Sharks Teeth Mixture
Specimen: Sharks Teeth Mixture
Scientific Name: -
Species: Fish
Age: Unknown
Where From: Online Purchase
Year Received: September 2023
Info: A mixture of different teeth form different types of sharks.

Rattlesnakes Fangs

Specimen: Rattlesnake Fangs
Scientific Name: - Crotalus
Species: Reptile
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated To Us
Year Received: February 2024
Info: We was donated some Rattlesnake poo and when going though the specimen the snake the faeces had came from had swollen a number of it's own fangs so they have been put into this little vial.