Skull Specimens
At That Little Museum we own many different skulls from different animals, from the humble Fox to the Bennett's Wallaby. Check out our skulls below.
Red Fox Skull

Specimen: Red Fox Skull
Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes
Gender: Unknown
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated To That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: This is an amazing specimen what really shows off how much power the fox has in it's mouth and how long them K9's are.
Bennetts Wallaby Skull
Specimen: Bennetts Wallaby Skull
Scientific Name: Macropus rufogriseus
Gender: Unknown
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated To That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: This is an adult Bennetts Wallaby skull.

Domestic Cat Skulls
Specimen: Domestic Cat Skulls
Scientific Name: Felis catus
Gender: Unknown
Species: Mammal
Age: Unknown
Where From: Donated To That Little Museum
Year Received: February 2024
Info: This are these adult cat skulls, as you can see they have big large holes where their eyes would have been. They also have a small nose.