Wet Specimens

Here at That Little Museum we have a range of wet specimens! 

From monkeys to hedgehog to a Leopard Tortoise we have many wet specimens that have been injected with a solution what stops the decomposition of the tissue, then the specimens are placed into a jar and then the jar is filled with a alcohol solution and these specimens should last many years and some of them if done correctly can last a lifetime.

All of our wet specimens have been donated to That Little Museum by zoo's up and down the country and the animals have all died of natural causes.

You can read our policy on out taxidermy here.

Sophie The Hedgehog

Specimen: Hedgehog - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Erinaceinae

Species: Mammal

Gender: Female

Age: Few months old, not full grown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is Sophie the hedgehog. Sophie was donated to us by one of our zoo friends after she sadly passed away due to not responding well to her milk.

She has now been preserved as a wet specimen in rubbing alcohol and will last many years sometimes hundreds of years! 

Leopard Tortoise 

Specimen: Leopard Tortoise - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Stigmochelys pardalis

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Around a two - four months old.

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This beautiful specimen is a Leopard Tortoise baby, they are the 4th biggest species of tortoise in the world.

Pygmy Marmoset Monkey Baby

Specimen: Pygmy Marmoset Baby - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Cebuella

Species: Mammal

Gender: Male

Age: Days Old

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: March 2024

Info: This ultra cute wet specimen is a baby Pygmy Marmoset monkey baby what sadly passed away at days old. As you can see by his little hands he wasn't very old at all when he sadly passed away but now has been turned into something amazing as a wet Specimen at That Little Museum.

Common Marmoset Monkey Baby

Specimen: Common Marmoset Baby - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Callithrix jacchus

Species: Mammal

Gender: Male

Age: Couple of weeks old

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: March 2024

Info: This is a stunning Common Marmoset baby wet specimen. This little baby passed away at a zoo and is believed to have been around a couple of weeks old when he sadly passed away.

Sugar Glider 

Specimen: Sugar Glider - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Petaurus breviceps

Species: Mammal

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: March 2024

Info: An adult Sugar Glider preserved as a wet specimen. This little cutie has a long, bushy tail and really shows off their stunning fur. 

When you look under the bottom of the jar you can see how it sticks to surfaces when jumping from branch to branch.

Egyptian Fruit Bats

Specimen: Egyptian Fruit Bats - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Rousettus aegyptiacus

Species: Mammals

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknow

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: March 2024

Info: These wonderful specimens are Egyptian Fruit Bats and passed away back in March 2003 so these wet specimens are very old. They where first put into a container and the lit wasn't opened for 20 years until they arrived at That Little Museum and we put them in a new, more up to date display jar.

Lowland Streaked Tenrec's

Specimen: Lowland Streaked Tenrec's - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Hemicentetes semispinosus

Species: Mammals

Gender: Male and Female

Age: Unknow

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: April 2024

Info: These wonderful little animals are Lowland Streaked Tenrecs!

In the wild they live in groups of up to 20 individuals and forage on mostly worms.


River Cooter Turtle's

Specimen: River Cooter Turtle's - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Pseudemys concinna

Species: Reptilia

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknow

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: March 2024

Info: These wonderful pair of River Cooter Turtles are simply stunning. These where preserved as wet specimens back in 2003 and we received them in 2024. 

Their jar hadn't been open since they where put in so we have gave them a new home what shows off their stunning beauty.

Yemen Chamelon

Specimen: Yemen Chamelon - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Chamaeleo calyptratus

Species: Reptile

Gender: Male

Age: Few weeks old

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This little cutie is a Yemen Chamelon baby wet specimen. The zoo who donated us this specimen had called him Cham.

Harvest Mouse

Specimen: Harvest Mouse - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Micromys minutus

Species: Mammal

Gender: Unknown

Age: Few weeks old

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This little cutie is a Harvest Mouse and it's believed it passed away due to having it's ear ripped off as when it arrived to us it was missing it's left ear.

Albino Ferret

Specimen: Albino Ferret - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Mustela putorius furo

Species: Mammal

Gender: Unknown

Age: Young, not fully grown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: We was donated this very cute Albino Ferret from the UK zoo. Images will be uploaded overtime.

West African Egg Eater Snake

Specimen: West African Egg Eater Snake - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Dasypeltis fasciata

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a West African Egg Eater snake. As you can this it has the most beautiful colours.

Diadem Ratsnake 

Specimen: Diadem Ratsnake - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - 

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: One of the most beautiful our of our snake wet specimens. This is a Diadem Ratsnake. Just look how amazing it's colours are.

Boa Constrictor Snake

Specimen: Boa Constrictor Snake - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Boa Constrictor

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Young Snake

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a young Boa Constrictor snake specimen. These snakes can grow up to 10 feet in length.

Rainbow Crab

Specimen: Rainbow Crab - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Cardisoma armatum

Species: Crustaceans

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a Rainbow Crab wet specimen. Unfortunately some of his legs and his right pincher had fallen off but we included them in the specimen jar.

Benin House Gecko

Specimen: Benin House Gecko - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Gekkonidae

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a Benin House Gecko 

Benin Marsh Toad

Specimen: Benin Marsh Toad - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - 

Species: Reptile

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a Benin Marsh Toad 

Green Budgie 

Specimen: Green Budgie - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Melopsittacus undulatus

Species: Bird

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a very cute green Budgie. This bird sadly passed away and was donated to That Little Museum to be preserved as a wet specimen.

Canary Species

Specimen: Canary Species - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - Unknow

Species: Bird

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: We have been very kindly donated with not one but three species of Canary birds to be preserved as wet specimens.

We are unsure what type of canary's these are so they are currently being ID'ed.

Chicks Decapitated Head

Specimen: Chick - Wet Specimen

Scientific Name:  - 

Species: Bird

Gender: Unknown

Age: Few days old

Where From: Donated to That Little Museum

Year Received: February 2024

Info: This is a decapitated head of a white chick.